
Wednesday May 20, 2020
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Wednesday May 20, 2020
Well, I've been in a bit of a lockdown low for the past few days. Think I've almost climbed out of it.
Today has helped. More heart-warming message exchanges with dear friends, then a couple of lovely video calls... one for my acting career, one with the choir I'm in - all, good for my soul.
It's been a gorgeous summer's day (in May, ha!) and this poem popped into my head.
Peace, love and positivity to one and all. x

Friday May 01, 2020
Amy Rockson Voicereel
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
It's the 1st of May 2020, and it's just occurred to me that I haven't published my voicereel here.
Well, that wasn't an oversight originally, as I post here purely for pleasure. Now though, as we make our way through these strange times, I think it would be silly not to.
So here it is... my montage.

Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Sonnet 22
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
I've been planning to return to my podcast; now seems the perfect time.
As we find ourselves in a strange new (temporary) world, one thing is constant - the beauty of art, literature and music.
Shakespeare's sonnets encompass all of that beauty.

Sunday May 08, 2016
Gertrude - extract from Hamlet
Sunday May 08, 2016
Sunday May 08, 2016
It's been ages since my last post... almost 6 months! How quickly time flies.
I do have a good excuse though. I've been in a bubble of creativity. In fact, I'm still in that bubble... and aim to remain in it for quite some time.
I've been busy rehearsing and opening a couple of plays now that I'm back at the Royal Shakespeare Company. However, I now have room to venture back into other areas.
I'm appearing in Doctor Faustus and Don Quixote at the Swan theatre. In the meantime, I've provided a voiceover for the Shakespeare in Art exhibition at Compton Verney. I'm thrilled. Here's the recording...

Monday Nov 30, 2015
No Man Is An Island.
Monday Nov 30, 2015
Monday Nov 30, 2015
The last day of November... already.
It's been a difficult month all told...on a human level.
Events have taken place which bring closer to home the sadness, destruction and mindless atrocity that goes on - on a daily basis - all over the world. In the name of some cause or another. In the name of some belief or another. To satisfy some cruel whim or another.
As the end of the year approaches, I hope it brings with it an end to suffering for at least some of those who need relief and aid.

Friday Sep 04, 2015
Hope (is the thing with feathers).
Friday Sep 04, 2015
Friday Sep 04, 2015
We've reached September already... a long Bank Holiday weekend eased us into a new month.
I spent Sunday in Brighton ... I hadn't been there for years. Within moments of arriving in town, I was greeted with warmth and kindness. I enjoyed the benefits of a seaside trip, fresh air and as luck would have it - sunshine.
Yesterday courtesy of news reports, I saw yet more images of grief and desperation. Refugees arriving in coastal areas of Europe not for a moment of relaxation or for a change of scenery, but out of basic need. Human beings who for the most part have probably led decent lives, but who - thanks to the ravages of war - have been forced to seek shelter elsewhere.
Today, I am seeing further reports, this time of donations, aid and voluntary work. Rallying calls to help those in need. Here's a link that may be of interest to anyone who wants to help: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/5-practical-ways-you-can-help-refugees-trying-to-find-safety-in-europe-10482902.html
We live in tricky times, but it's good to be reminded that there are good people and (for those of us lucky enough to enjoy them) lovely places in the world.

Sunday Aug 09, 2015
You have brains in your head
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
Sunday Aug 09, 2015
I had almost forgotten the wisdom and magic of Dr Seuss.
This little gem is a reminder that if there's something in life that isn't right for you - you can change it.

Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
A Taste of Zombies
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Tuesday Jun 30, 2015
Time has whizzed by, and there's been another hiatus between recordings.
Cheating a little tonight by adding a voiceclip from Zombies, Run! ... I play Zoe.
Normal service will resume soon!

Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
The First Spring Day
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
Tuesday Mar 31, 2015
The clocks have gone forward.
Spring has allegedly sprung.
We had storms last night, but today the sun shone, and the birds sang... we'll see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Twas the Night before Christmas
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
Wednesday Dec 24, 2014
My oh my... it's that time again.
I love Christmas, but find myself startled by how quickly it seems to come around.
Here's another recording - a little rough and ready as usual as life's too short to grapple with editing software, ha!
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night"